Software development

Outsourcing vs Outstaffing: Whats Your Best Option?

Depending on your company’s needs, you can choose one or both of the models for upcoming programming projects. Another question that causes a little misunderstanding in software development is about IT outstaffing and IT outsourcing and how they differ. Both of these terms have come in the IT sphere and considered relatively new ones.

Sometimes, when deciding between outsource or outstaff, outsourcing will be the clear winner. There are two outstaffing models for paying for and managing your outstaff team. It is vital for businesses seeking to undertake IT outstaffing to take these into account when selecting vendors or partners. With the right approach, however, your business can reap all the benefits of an outsourced team while avoiding common pitfalls at minimal risk.

What does IT mean to be outstaffed?

In this case, you can be minimally involved in the process and only communicate with the project manager to share your requirements, ideas, and suggestions. However, you won’t need to deal with any people-related issues in return. Unfortunately, there is no universal answer available to this question; the model’s choice depends on your requirements. Both outstaffing and outsourcing strategies can provide excellent results for your business. These approaches are suitable for companies that don’t have the technical knowledge to accomplish their projects. Every year more and more employers resort to outsourcing and outstaffing.

  • With staff augmentation, a company chooses to add to their team individual engineers who are legally employed by another company—outstaffing one.
  • Outstaffing is a type of contracting when a company hires a dedicated team of professionals that work remotely at your command.
  • Using an outstaffing company to hire developers is budget friendly and in most cases this cost is predictable.
  • It provides businesses with the flexibility to access a vast talent pool and fill missing skill gaps in their team.
  • Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, finding the right IT solution is crucial to your success.
  • So, when trying to decide which model you want to choose, the best question to ask yourself is whether or not you have the capability to complete the project internally.
  • Outsourcing and outstaffing help small businesses to keep up with the larger corporations by attracting powerful intellectual capital.

A service provider monitors and manages messaging, data, telephony and video applications. In some cases, the integrated team performs the functions of a call center on your company’s behalf. In each case, you should only partner with the tech vendors that have expertise in developing solutions for your industry, and are familiar with its requirements for software products.

Difference Between Outsourcing and Outstaffing

As a result of outsourcing, you will have a finished IT project without the need to assemble or manage a team. Now let’s have a closer look at the pros and cons of outsourcing and outstaffing. In other words, outstaffing service implies the withdrawal of staff from the state and the transfer of personnel administration authority to the executor. When you outstaff specialists, they continue to work at their workplace and perform their old functions, but the responsibilities of the employer officially pass to the outstaffing company. In the U.S., the practice of long-term but indirect employment through a third party would be called contracting or hiring a contract worker. Take note that, much as with the outsource team, the workers you outstaff are officially employed by a third-party.

The fierce market competition requires the IT business to meet the challenges at the highest velocity, which calls for a special approach to organizing a project team. A sudden lack of expertise or proper skills at a certain project stage may undermine your reputation as a provider. There are two well-tried solutions here — expand the existing in-house team or delegate a certain portion of tasks to a third-party specialist. In this article, we’ll compare staff augmentation vs managed services. Collaborating with an international outstaffing agency can turn out as a great tool for reducing your costs and time. There are several paramount aspects to be taken into account for choosing the relevant agency.

Outsourcing vs. Outstaffing: What Is The Difference And What To Choose?

Essentially, this model gives the client the ability to have professional developers on the project team without having to pay high prices and taxes. Also, in the case of outsourcing, the contractor is looking for employees for the customer’s company and formalizes them in its state. When running out of staff, the contractor assigns employees of the customer enterprise to its personnel. Now that we have identified the pros and cons of each model, it is time to explore the best one for your company.

outstaffing meaning

Alright, now that we explored the advantages of outstaffing, let’s take a look at the pros of using project outsourcing. Some of these benefits include giving you more time to focus on the core of your business. Moreover, you are not paying to hire additional people or buy more infrastructure. The staff augmentation approach flexibly integrates business processes and a team of specialists to achieve the required goals. The service provider can fill client positions from the pool of available talent around the world, but all risks are borne by him/her only.


Qualified candidates in IT are not very easy to find and, if found, to keep on your team. Instead of building an expensive in-house team, many companies opt to outsourcing and outstaffing (IT staff augmentation). You outsource personnel from another company, delegate certain tasks to them, and sign a service contract, thus getting rid of the problem of equipping workplaces, paying taxes, and insurance. What’s more, the salary for personnel outsourcing services is often lower than that of full-time employees.

With outsourcing, a client company hires a whole development team and a manager who is responsible for running the project. Of course, the customer is still in charge, meaning they are giving all the guidelines and goals in advance. For this reason, we have created an analytical guide that explains what outsourcing and outstaffing is and what the main differences are between them. This article will also help you figure out which model best fits your business needs and how to find high-quality collaboration partners to outsource your IT projects. If you’re on the fence about your ability to outsource vs outstaff, ProCoders can help you choose the information technology outsourcing services.

Support services

Let’s start with an explanation what the difference between software outsourcing and outstaffing is. An outsourcing provider usually works on a project-based business model which means that most likely the client entrusts the outsourcing company the whole project from A to Z. The client rarely has access to the development team itself and those people who complete all the work on the project usually work on several projects at a time. Outstaffing is a type of remote employments when a hired person carries out all the job duties for a company (client) being officially employed by another company (outsourcing agency). The latter one acts as an employer, thus is responsible for wages, bonuses, equipment granted to a worker, while a client company provides a worker with tasks and assignments.

outstaffing meaning

Remember the differences between the models, as well as their benefits and drawbacks. Clearly define your goals to pick the right model for your company. The business owner chooses to contact a company that specializes in mobile app development. For a cost lower than the in-house team outstaffing meaning would cost, the contractor develops an application in a short time. As they deliver the product and the contract is complete, the service provider stops working with the business owner. One of the reasons to turn to the outstaffing model is having more daily hands-on management.

Cons of Outsourcing

Basically you hire your own remote employees who are a part of your in-house team. This remote software development team can be managed either by your in-house people or you can have remote managers as well. Outstaffing is a hiring model where a company hires remote IT professionals or teams from an external service provider to work on specific projects or tasks. It offers the benefits of accessing a wider talent pool, cost-efficiency, and flexibility while maintaining direct control over the project and team. Client — a business that requests outsourcing or outstaffing services.

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